- Our Bee Curriculum is for every child.
- Our Bee Curriculum is well-balanced, exciting, purposeful and inspiring.
- Our Bee Curriculum provides our pupils with progressive skills and knowledge that widen their life experiences.
- Our Bee Curriculum is delivered within a caring and supportive environment where community links are actively sought to improve pupils’ understanding of the world around them.
- Our Bee Curriculum encourages our pupils to be honest, adventurous, resilient and to question and to think for themselves within the context of teamwork.
- Our Bee Curriculum supports our pupils to feel empowered, be adaptable and equipped to meet the world.
Our Bee Curriculum lessons are based on a teaching sequence cycle that allows pupils to get to the heart of what they are learning. Pupils follow a lesson pathway that starts with questioning and enquiry around the area being studied. Pupils then become experts in an area through research, investigations and progressive skills and knowledge sessions. Finally, our pupils then tackle an independent reflection piece based on both embedded learning from previous years and newly acquired knowledge and skills from their current unit. Pre and post learning integrated tasks allow pupils’ starting points to be used to adapt planning to individuals, previous learning to be revisited and to ensure that learning is embedded before moving forward.
Inclusion is met with our school passion of creating a learning environment where everyone can succeed and bloom. Our Bee Curriculum has wide and varied experiences to engage all learners and encourage pupils to reach for the stars and build confidence to work both as individuals and as a team. Pupils who require further stretch and challenge are able to think wider and deeper throughout enquiry, research and reflection strands that are the building blocks for our curriculum.
Our Woodlands Provision, in the afternoon, offers an alternative setting where pupils still access our Bee Curriculum but in an environment where barriers to learning are reduced for specific needs.
Recording in our Bee Curriculum is wide and varied, encouraging subject specific skills and knowledge to be developed and nurtured. Curriculum knowledge and skills are recorded in class Big Books, display, film, photographs, final 2D and 3D pieces, quizzes and within direct observations of child voice to allow all learners to thrive, share their thoughts and ideas and be proud of what they have achieved.
The outcomes from our Bee Curriculum are displayed daily for parents and carers through Class Dojo and within different modes of recording by our pupils; are carefully nurtured and developed by class teachers throughout the term and are qualified through ongoing assessment. Our Bee Curriculum effectively meets the needs of all pupils by creating instant opportunities for teaching and learning to be adapted to address misconceptions, gaps in learning and where further stretch and challenge could be applied.
The impact of the school’s Bee Curriculum can be seen in the work, projects and discussions they produce and the outcomes for all groups of pupils within the school. It can be seen in class Big Books, progression displays and the many varied ways in which the pupils present their work. It can be seen in the attitude of our pupils toward their learning and towards each other. It can be seen in the relationships between our staff and our pupils. It can be seen in the smiles and laughter in our happy, vibrant and bubbling atmosphere.
Everything we do is fuelled by our school vision of ‘The child is the centre’.
The impact of our Bee Curriculum, our school HART values and our school aims is none the more apparent that in the words of the pupils, parents, carers, visitors and staff:
The Bee Curriculum Long Term Plan 2024-2025
Visit each Class Tab for more detailed information about our Curriculum.
For more information about the progression of knowledge and skills in each individual subject, please click on the links below:
Art & Design
Design & Technology
MFL: French
Music Development Plan
RSE & PSHE Curriculum Long Term Plan
Physical Education
Previous Results:
2022/23 Results
2023/2024 Results