Hello and welcome to the Reception page!
Introduction to Reception
In Reception we aim to create an attractive, welcoming and stimulating learning environment which enables exploration, curiosity and independence. Our curriculum supports the development of the whole child so they become kind, respectful children who are honest, adventurous, resilient and work well together as members of a team. Every day, our children have the opportunity to engage in both the indoor and outdoor environments, exploring their interests and taking on new challenges.

Learning through play underpins all of the EYFS therefore the children learn through a play based curriculum. Our curriculum is based on The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and your child will be learning new skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating understanding through 7 areas of learning, as demonstrated below.
Understanding the World
Through our weekly topics, our children find out about the world around them with hands-on experiences.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Our children learn to build and manage healthy relationships, understand and regulate their emotions and recognise and celebrate what makes them unique.

Communication and Language
We provide a language rich curriculum and engage children daily in songs, rhymes, stories and poems.

We pride ourselves on our fantastic reading areas around school and in our classrooms. Reception class has an inviting reading garden to enjoy stories in and love their daily story time. We use the Read Write Inc. programme to teach children how to become confident readers themselves.

We follow the Mastering Number and White Rose programmes to introduce new concepts in small steps and children are given opportunities to apply their newly acquired knowledge and vocabulary through play.

Physical Development
We have gross and fine motor activities daily as well as weekly Physical Education sessions.

Expressive Arts and Design
We offer opportunities to explore and play with a variety of media, materials and tools and encourage children to experiment with colour, design, techniques and texture.


Mrs Clayton is the Class Teacher. Mrs Crouch, Mrs Ellis, Mrs Farmer and Miss Rogers are Teaching Assistants who support in Reception throughout the week.
This is our long-term planning overview, showing which topics will be covered in each subject each half term. For weekly updates on your child’s learning linked to their themes, please visit the reception class page on our Class Dojo app.
Long Term Planning
Year Group Specific information
In Reception, children start to learn to read using the Read Write Inc Programme. Please visit our RWI Phonics website page for more information about this programme and how you can support your child at home.
PE Days
Our PE day is Wednesday. Please come into school dressed in PE kit on that day.
Lunch & Snack Arrangements
All children in Reception are entitled to a free school lunch every day and our lunches are cooked fresh on site by Dolce. There are hot and cold options daily and we cater for allergies/ dietary requirements. Lunches are ordered weekly in advance using the ‘School Grid’ App.
Children are also offered fresh fruit daily as both a morning and afternoon snack. Milk and water are available at all times.
In Reception, we expect children to:
- Read/share books with an adult at least three times per week
- Practise writing their name
- Practise their letter formation
In addition, each half-term we set ‘Family Learning Projects’ linked to the curriculum being covered in school. This will be posted on class dojo and a copy will be sent home.