Hello and welcome to the Year 2 page!
Introduction to Year 2
Year 2 is a bright, inviting classroom, overlooking the KS2 playground, the school field and the woodland area. We always try our best in lessons and we work hard to demonstrate the Academy HART Values of Honesty, Adventure, Resilience and Teamwork.
Miss Pitt is the Class Teacher and Mrs Yates is Year 2’s Teaching Assistant.
This is our long-term planning overview for Year 2:

Every Half-Term we send more detailed curriculum overviews home for parents. Here is an example::

Year Group Specific information
Towards the end of Key Stage 1, Year 2 children will take the Key Stage 1 SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests).
The SATS tests will happen in May and will consist of a reading comprehension grammar and spelling test for English and a maths arithmetic and problem solving task in maths.
The tests are designed to support and confirm the ongoing teacher assessment which happens throughout the year to track your child’s progress and achievement.
PE Days
Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please come into school in PE kits on those days.
In Year 2, we expect children to:
- Read at least three times per week
- Practise their weekly spellings list
- Practise their times tables.
Take a look at the useful links below to help practise times tables at home:
Link to Times Tables Games
Link to timestables.co.uk
In addition, each half-term we set ‘Family Learning Projects’ linked to the curriculum being covered in school. Here is an example: